What's up with all the dogs on the wall?

Almost every day working at In the Loop, someone asks us “what’s up with all the dogs on the wall?” And we always talk about our Pups on the Patio annual event. 📅

For a class assignment last year, I talked with Damiah, the talented photographer behind all the portraits. Damiah told me about the work that goes behind her art (shout out to the handsome Curly for posing as my muse).

Listen below! 🐾🎧

Since October 31st was my last day working as a barista at In the Loop, I want to share this story about Damiah and the dogs as a final goodbye post. I’ll miss the community and all the furry friends I’ve gotten to know over the past four years. It was a blast and I wouldn’t have wanted to spend my college years working anywhere else. Many of you know I’ve been working toward pursuing a career in journalism and I’m thankful for the well wishes and good vibes sent my way. I don’t know what the future holds, but I can’t wait to find out! ❤️

