We Have a new Mug Design!

Hello friends! I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.

If you are looking for an easy way to reduce your waste and show everyone your love for In the Loop, look no further than our new reusable coffee mug!

in the loop.jpg

The paws were designed by our artist friend, James Stanley. You can gaze upon his quirky facade below.


James is a comedian and a freelance graphic designer, so that makes for some funny cartoons. He lives in Cottage Grove, but makes it out to the cities all the time for comedy shows. You may have seen him at Acme Comedy Club’s open mic nights. He would often stop in for a coffee at In the Loop before going downstairs.

He told me his comedy is not too R-rated, but you’ll have to check it out for yourself! He’s been on lots of podcasts, including an episode of comedian Ali Sultan’s Does This Age Well about his favorite movie, The Big Lebowski!!!

You can find more of his graphic design work at his website. Follow him on Twitter and check out some of his hilarious comics.
